The Republic

  • Publisher: KReader
  • Author: Plato
  • Genre: Poetry
  • ISBN: 9789554635108
The Republic is one of Plato s most famous dialogues, known for its in-depth discussions of political and ethical fairness and its description of the structure of the ideal state (or city-state). The Republic, as well as other dialogues during Plato s middle period, show the optimistic ideas of Plato himself, as opposed to the largely critical posture of the actual Socrates, who had been Plato s teacher. The philosopher ("Socrates") is the protagonist of most of Plato s conversations. The dialogues in the middle are classics of literature as well as philosophy; they have nuanced depictions of characters and their relationships, brilliant demonstrations of rhetoric, and stunning and memorable tropes and myths that are meant to launch the speakers into their unhurried philosophical excursions.

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