Forgotten Sky

Are we facing the intense of loneliness of universal aspect of humanity? Have you ever lost loves one? Do you ever feel lonely? Have you ever lost all hope and then out of nowhere all your troubles are gone? Did you ever have been found someone really loves you unconditionally? Palitha Ariyarathna’s says loneliness is a universal yet complex human emotion. But the universal standard for facial beauty based on the divine proportion too. It’s a human that we are feeling this way. May star, sun, moon heaven and we feel loneliness in this vast emptied universal but doesn’t it seem very strange for poet eyes. Poet says we are in good company like we are surrounded by a lot of peoples who is feeling same way. It’s not a freak of nature it’s simply our own egos. We are so different from everyone else in this whole universe and on earth. But there are peoples still sees everything so differently. Palitha Ariyarathna is a Srilankan Author and Speaker who sees who speak many things differently. Many of his books are based on research writing but selected poems in this collection Palitha Ariyarathna’s show case his experiences in writing Captivating poetry. All poems in this book unique and based on the poet's actual life experience. Poets finds always some things to ponder. Just read this book for see his is writing.

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