Onboarding of Investment and Funding Advisor for KReader

Onboarding of Investment and Funding Advisor for KReader

We are pleased to announce the onboarding of Seshadrinathan "Nathan" Krishnan, FCA, CFA Krishnan as our Investment and Funding Advisor for KReader, a subscription-based digital reading platform for vernacular languages.

With a distinguished 25-year career spanning Asia and the US, Nathan brings extensive experience in strategy, valuations, corporate finance, financial planning and analysis, forecasting, and investments across six continents, with transaction values reaching up to $1 billion.

In addition to his new role with us, Nathan serves as the Director of Seshadri Nathan Securities Pvt Ltd, established in 2006, where he manages family funds in Indian markets, investing in both listed and unlisted equities and other financial instruments.

Nathan will provide invaluable expertise in valuation, corporate finance, investments, and strategic advisory services for KReader.

We are confident that Nathan's addition to our team will drive our success further and deliver innovative solutions to our readers.

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