FOSWAL Literature Festival - New Delhi, India

FOSWAL Literature Festival - New Delhi, India

FOSWAL Literature Festival was held from 3rd to 6th December 2023 in New Delhi, India. At the festival, KReader Co-Founder Kanchana Priyakantha presented a paper discussing the profound anguish stemming from war. She is also the Advisor and Coordinator for Sri Lanka for Foundation of SAARC Writers and Literature.

"Delving into the heart of conflict, one can't help but recognize the profitability attached to it, often at the expense of millions of lives. The question that lingers is whether such a business, thriving on the sacrifices of humanity, deserves to exist. I firmly believe that anything demanding such sacrifices should not endure. It must be eradicated at any cost for humanity to prevail, and by extension, for the world to thrive. After all, the essence of our existence shouldn't be entwined with ventures that compromise the very fabric of our shared humanity."

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